+Accounts served 210 previous participants and 60 new participants during the 23-24 year.
Accounts Opened
Over 60 accounts opened for vehicle, education, or emergency needs all of whom receive financial literacy.
Distributed Locally
$660,000 distributed locally to participants to cover vehicle, education, or emergency needs.
The +Accounts Program supports youth in Josephine, Jackson, and Southern Douglas counties with a $5-to-$1 matched savings opportunity.
Participants receive financial education, develop personal finance skills, and work with PY+ staff to reach their goals. They can save up to $2,000 and receive a match of up to $10,000 for education, training, transportation, or emergency savings. Our intention is to empower youth with the financial literacy and the resources to necessary to build assdsets and excel in life.
Funding Advocacy
$5 Million in funding for IDA Initiatives
$8 Million in funding for Economic Equity Investment Program (EEIP)
Student Spotlight: Gita Shanks
Thanks to the Emergency IDA and College IDA accounts, she is set to graduate this fall with a Bachelor of Science in Management and Operations, along with a Minor in IT from Oregon Tech
Key Partners
Neighborhood Impact (Redmond)
Habitat for Humanity (Statewide)
Micro Enterprise Services of Oregon
Portland Housing Authority
Native American Youth and Family Center
Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization
DevNW (Springfield)
CASA of Oregon (Sherwood)
Business Oregon
Neighborhood Partnerships (Portland)
Umpqua Bank
Grants Pass Kiwanis Club
Grants Pass Chamber of Commerce
Oregon IDA Initiative (Statewide Partnership)
Neighborhood Works (Roseburg)
ACCESS and Housing Authority of Jackson County
Warm Springs Community Action Team