College+ Spotlight: Deenie Bulyalert

Deenie Bulyalert

My name is Deenie Bulyalert. My journey through College Dreams* started at North Middle School as a little 6th grader having just gone through one of the biggest changes a kid could go through, starting middle school. I was called out of class to talk to a stranger about a program I knew nothing about but little did I know that that stranger was Brenda and the program, well it would change my life.

Everyone tells you that middle school and high school is the time to figure out who you are, that’s a lot to ask from a teenager but when you have people like Brenda it makes it just a little bit easier.

I’ve always been the type of kid that had to figure things out on their own, the one that had to raise themselves because they didn’t get a lot of support from their parents since they always had to work to keep a roof over your head. Having that feeling of not being supported, being alone in a chaotic world is not easy but Brenda was always there by my side helping me one step at a time.

Be the Change, Make the Change was by far the best event I have done with College Dreams, I got the honor to speak at this event and it made me feel welcomed and more confident in my public speaking. Every college campus tour I get invited to is also really amazing. They it help me decide what college I want to attend when I get older and I can share this information with my fellow peers who are not in College Dreams or were not able to go on the trip.

I now attend GPHS and like to be involved at school. You only have so many years so you might as well use them doing something good. I’m in clubs like MEChA and GSA where I can be an ally to different types of people. I know the feeling of being invisible, and being involved means I can help others not feel alone, support them through their journey of finding themselves, and reassuring them that their life has worth.

Without College Dreams I wouldn’t be nearly as far as I am today, I wouldn’t know that my life had meaning, that I am not just a waste of space, and that I have the ability to change someone’s life. College Dreams is a part of my life and will forever hold a special place in my heart forever. My ultimate dream would be to help change this world and I am on my way to doing so.

*This College+ Spotlight was written before College Dreams became Project Youth+. Read more about our transformation.