Career Build provides opportunities for youth to complete their education, explore vocational opportunities, and prepare for a successful career.  

Career Build delivers workforce exploration and development services to youth age 14-24 who are facing barriers to education, employment and training.

We provide academic support and encouragement to earn a high school diploma or GED. We also connect participants to the local partners that can best serve them in completing their secondary degree. 

Participants who successfully complete their coursework can become eligible to participate in a Career Bridge: paid work experience or paid occupational-skills training. 

All of these opportunities are provided in parallel with case management and mentoring services, financial support, and community networking. 

Career Build services include: 

  • Tutoring, study skills, dropout prevention

  • Paid and unpaid internships

  • Occupational skills training and education

  • Leadership development 

  • Mentoring

  • Post-secondary education preparation

Career Build is supported in part by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act.

For more information about Career Build, contact:

Tobin Mikels or complete our referral form.



paid internships and trainings annually



paid in wages to youth annually



local business partners providing paid internship opportunities

It made my girls into the success that they are today. I would recommend Project Youth+ to anybody.
— KellyJo, parent
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