Career Build




Career Build serves over 250 youth annually.


Summer Work Experiences

Project Youth+ offered over 80 summer work experiences.


Youth Payroll

Project Youth+ paid over 1 million in payroll for youth wages fro employers.

Career Build exists to deliver workforce exploration and development services to youth ages 16-24 who are facing barriers to education, employment and training.

The Career Build program is designed to provide opportunities for youth to complete their occupational specific education, explore vocational opportunities, and prepare for a successful career. Career preparation, paid internships, occupational skills training are just some of the offerings that Career Build provides our participants. these opportunities are provided in parallel with mentoring services, financial support, barrier removal and community networking.

Through leveraged partnerships and workforce investment dollars, PY+ can hold payroll, and liability and offer paid internships to youth in a variety of fields and high demand sectors for local employers.

Training Programs

  • Certified Nursing Assistant

  • Medical Assistant

  • Phlebotomy

  • Electrical Pre-Apprentice

  • Forklift Operator

  • and much more

Student Spotlight: Matthew Rieman

A Grants Pass High School student, Matthew completed a paid work experience with a local boat fabricator, Wild River Boats. He was hired on nearly full time doing welding and fabrication.

Key Partners

  • Pacific Healthcare Training

  • Transform Youth and Family

  • Grayback Forestry

  • Club Northwest

  • Rogue Workforce Partnerships

  • Oregon Employment Department

  • Crater Lake Electrical Training Center

  • Akeeni Machining and Fabrication

  • Valley Immediate Care

We have over 200 local business partners throughout Southern Oregon

It made my girls into the success that they are today. I would recommend Project Youth+ to anybody.
— KellyJo, parent